Thursday 9 April 2015

Twilight. Good or bad?

So obviously the twilight saga is a little bit "finished" and all that jazz but I think that this needs to be written about...
So personally I read the twilight books and enjoyed them, I mean the concept was good and it was Written in a way I could relate to. But in truth I did not like the way some of the characters behaved for example Edward, the seemingly romantic Heathcliff-esque protector of Bella, he is intelligent and handsome yet he conveniently chooses Bella, but mainly for her blood. I mean WHY wasn't Bella disappointed in Edward for loving her bodily fluids before her mind!
Which leads to another point, that Twilight very subtly degrades women. BELLA DEGRADES WOMEN. She always needs a hero, either Edward or Jacob. She clumsy and gets hurt a lot, she needs to be saved. I guess you could say I grew up a bit between the first time I read it and the second time where I really saw this. It really made me think about what the Twilight books really signified. 
I am not saying twilight isn't good, I mean I have been on both ends of the twilight love/hate spectrum, but that is probably why it got so popular, it's just like that dress, was it blue and black or white and gold?  Nobody knows because different people see it different ways just like twilight an just like that dress people are forced to choose sides, wether its edward or Jacob, or good or bad it does not matter it's just the fact that by forcing people to choose sides the product is increasing in popularity and that is probably why it was such a big phenomenon, just like that dress.
Ps its blue and black

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