Friday 17 April 2015

I just came out to my mum!!!!!

I am so pleased with myself! I just came out to my mum and I am waiting for a reply. I feel like I have just got a huge wieght of my chest like I had barbells hanging of my shoulders and then WHOOSH they came of and just yay!
This is what I said

So I feel like I have not been 100% honest with you about my gender and sexuality...
I currently identify as pansexual I am inexperienced but I have kissed a girl and I enjoyed it...
I also identify as genderfluid, so basically sometimes I feel like a man and I wear hats and I wrap my breasts so that I look like a boy and other times I feel like a girl and dress accordingly, often I feel like neither or both and I get very angry.
I have been tossing and turning these last few nights because nobody except myself knows that I am currently and have been for about six months, genderfluid. But what do I know right? I am "too young" to understand.
I would like to cut my hair because when I am a man I get upset and I feel very isolated due to my long hair and my boobs, i was thinking of cutting it myself but I feel like I would get in too much trouble. I feel like the female part of me would not mind short hair.
 the main problem is that I hate female pronouns I also hate male pronouns I feel like I should be a "they" but I cannot see that happening in the near future. So yeah please consider allowing me to have my hair cut if you want I can send you some ideas or whatever, I am sorry that you had to find out this way but I can't do this anymore, I know that you will be able t deal with this because you are awesome and yeah I love you?

UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! So mymum is the best! She was saying how she loves me and that I can do whati please with my hair (short hair suggestions maybe? I am kinda unsure HOW to do it) I mean she does not understand "gender fluid" but I don't mind

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